Campaign Fully Funded


3D printed objectI am delighted to say that the IndoeGoGo campaign which was initiated to build and use a high resolution, reliable DLP 3D printer under the name Ilios was successfully funded and even exceeded its goal. Although the whole point of the campaign was to create a reliable tool for the manufacturing process of OSRC, the 3D printer shall take its rightful place within the OSRC website and besides the fact that it shall be available for purchase together with its parts, material and other accessories in the OSRC shop (in development) it shall also be completely Open Source and well documented for everyone through instructions and descriptions, easily understandable to any beginner who wants to enter the wonderful world of 3D printing. Once again i would like to thank everyone who contributed to the campaign and the exposure of the project. It was a priceless contribution without which none of the below plans would be possible.

Ilios 3D Printer

One of the first things right now is to order the parts to build and test the machines that were ordered through the campaign along side my own for the OSRC project. By the end of this week all parts should be already ordered and on their way. Once the parts arrive (1 -2 weeks or so) the first machine shall be built, tweaked and tested. Once tested i shall document all progress inn the Blog where a description of the actual build shall take place and a set of comprehensive assembly and testing instructions shall be posted along side the source files for the entire build (in the Files section).

Once instructions are posted, all ordered 3D printers and other perks from the IndieGoGo campaign shall be shipped. Additionally by this time the Shop on the OSRC website shall also become available where besides the future OSRC system, the Ilios 3D Printer, all parts, accessories, materials and other items shall be available for all to purchase.

Although this is a lot of work, the 3D printer final shipments and documentation shall be posted as soon as possible since the sooner this happens the faster OSRC development and production can begin which was initially the goal of all the above activities.

Feel free to open up a new topic in the Forum. All information is accessible to others and should definitely help answer questions and explain aspects of the 3D printing world better through out all of the Ilios community.


Since the late last year (2012), a second version of the OSRC system was brewing, which shall be the base for all future development and activities. The new version is being designed specifically for 3D printing and besides its external new and improved look, it holds many new features and accessories which were a result of rethinking the prototype and building upon it through better construction, quality parts and optimized over-all design. More updates about the new version shall begin appearing once the bulk of 3D printer work is done and the final road towards OSRC production and release is near since many features depend on the 3D printed production.

Project Support - Donations

Since the OSRC and now Ilios 3D printer are all Open Source project, having an advantage such as a typical commercial organization would is no longer viable. Additionally earnings that are made from any sales are intentionally low, to provide the best technology and coolest results to as many people as possible as well as provide free and reliable support to all in need. The only true path is to keep innovating and constantly surprising everyone with new technologies and results. For this reason a Donation link was posted on the OSRC website. Feel free to support the project in any way you see fit. Besides financial contributions, the article describes other ways you can help.

As always, it is encouraged to post your questions or suggestions in the Forum, which is constantly monitored for new posts and always is eager to help. Visit the FaceBook page for day to day activities and like it. As a final resort there is a Contact Us link on the page where anyone can get in touch with me personally.

Created on Tuesday, 05 February 2013 10:21
Written by Demetris Zavorotnitsienko

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  • We're getting there
    OSFlyerWiz 10 years ago
    Thank you for that wonderfully sarcastic commend Iauger :) That is exactly what i need for motivation ...
  • We're getting there
    iauger 10 years ago
    Are you still on schedule for a Spring release? "The solstice heralds the beginning of summer in the ...
  • We're getting there
    ed_mann 10 years ago
    This is so good to hear. I am really looking forward to getting one of these controllers. I might ...
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