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snapshot.jpgWhen i begun working on the Ilios HD Kit i knew that the first model i was going to build with it had to be something special. There are tons of generic models out there which initially were made for simple extrusion type 3D printers and their resolution was quite low to begin with.

A custom model was needed, which was tailored for the Ilios Kit and would demonstrate its capabilities to the max. Simple solid objects are easily recreated since minimal supports are required and the model does not go through any stress while it is being built. I needed something that would be complex not only in terms of resolution, but in its shape as well, having twists and turns, which could make any software with automates supports inadequate.

Designing something creative isn't easy and definitely requires skill and talent. As a 3D designer i browse through most known channels where news about latest software and model innovations are posted. One of those posts cough my attention, which demonstrated the use of holographic 3D model presentations in a unique way and was called Rabbit Holes.

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Ilios HD SLA 3D Printer Build

Posted by on in 3D Printers
Based on the successful campaign on IndieGoGo to raise funds for an HD SLA 3D printer i shall be describing the build process of the first unit in this blog so that others can see it, comment on it and perhaps even learn something from it. Since the campaign ended i immediately begun preparing all the part lists to order and finalized as well as tweaked the design for a better look and performance. As time goes by i shall be adding my progress to this blog for everyone to see and describe what i am doing in detail. Feel free to discuss the build in the Forum or comment on the blog it self. This should be quite enjoyable for me and a good break from OSRC development for a while so sit back and enjoy the build with me. If you want to find out how the 3D printer...
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OSRC Development & Manufacturing

Posted by on in RC Projects

The new site is up along with a new look for the project. Instead of constantly replying to E-mails, different forum posts and general requests all over the internet, i decided to maintain this blog and keep it updated as i work, while finishing the production and development stages for the entire system.

Some Background

For those who haven't been following the project from its initial release, i would like to say that the project and its development has gone through rough times with ups and downs since all development was done by me and it took lots of time even working full time on the project. Initially there was an IndieGoGo campaign as an attempt to gather resources to build the first prototypes. This was when i still worked on client projects parallel to my own ideas. During this period a very enthusiastic and generous organization found me and supported the prototyping stages (Details can be found in the About section of the site). If you are not familiar with the project then please read the About article before continuing.

Once the prototypes were built and tested, i made an attempt to collect the required funding to produce at least 1000 units which took almost 6 months and was unsuccessful due to the large sum. Since going with the Mass Production route didn't work out, i took some time to rethink the whole strategy, rebuilt the OSRC site to host the OSRC community, its files and blogs.

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OSRC Development & Manufacturing
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"Thank you for the feedback Hunter. Yes, you absolutely can."

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"Thank you. Really appreciate the feedback. Will do my best not to disappoint :)"

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