Shop Discount and a new Facebook Page


To separate the Ilios 3D printer from the OSRC project and make things more organized, a dedicated Facebook page for our Ilios 3D printer was created. I re-posted everything related to Ilios, starting from the time it was being designed up to now. Feel free to like the page, comment on it or post your thoughts and ideas. Based on the news posted last week, the OSRC project was terminated and i shall be fully concentrating all resources and efforts on current and future Ilios development. If you would like to read more about the reasons for terminating OSRC, feel free to read the related News post on the Gizmo For You website, under the Blog section.

Although it was painful to let OSRC go, it did give birth to the Ilios 3D printer, which is now used by many users and helps out in numerous projects around the world. Since nothing would give me more pleasure than to see Ilios help others, i will be constantly working on the Ilios 3D printer, to provide the best possible 3D printing tools for everyone.

Times are tough all over right now, so to help out anyone who is interested in the Ilios products, i organized a 10% discount coupon in the shop. Feel free to use the coupon in your cart to apply the discount when you check out. The discount shall last until the 8th of November, which should give plenty of time for everyone to ask their questions, read about each product and make their purchase using the discount. To use the coupon, paste the following code in the related section of the checkout process: IliosDiscountRulez

As always, feel free to use the Forum, Facebook page and the Contact section of the website to ask your questions, find answers or post your thoughts.

Created on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 12:04
Written by Demetris Zavorotnitsienko

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  • We're getting there
    OSFlyerWiz 10 years ago
    Thank you for that wonderfully sarcastic commend Iauger :) That is exactly what i need for motivation ...
  • We're getting there
    iauger 10 years ago
    Are you still on schedule for a Spring release? "The solstice heralds the beginning of summer in the ...
  • We're getting there
    ed_mann 10 years ago
    This is so good to hear. I am really looking forward to getting one of these controllers. I might ...
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