Ilios Website & OSRC IndieGoGo Campaign


I would like to inform all Ilios 3D printer customers that the Ilios website, Shop and other content has been moved to its dedicated website. This is done to separate the Ilios content from OSRC and not to confuse Ilios users. Please note the new Ilios website which is

I hope this change will make things clear to all and makes my life easier on creating content, updates and other information for the project in a more organized fashion. E-mails have been set up for the site to reflect the new change but rest assured that your E-mail shall be received even if you have the OSRC address and the new one shall be sent upon reply.

I would also like to remind all who are interested in the OSRC project that the OSRC IndieGoGo campaign for gathering the required funding and producing the project will end on the 1st of December. If you are interested in Pre-Ordering your system or contributing to the project, please do so before the end of the deadline as production will be prioritized first for those who have supported the project based on their contribution date. The campaign is set to "Fixed Funding" which means that no funds are received unless the campaign reaches its goal.

For those who haven't been following the OSRC Facebook page, the link to the IndieGoGo campaign is:

Created on Monday, 17 November 2014 10:01
Written by Demetris Zavorotnitsienko

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