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Timer Settings

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Unlike known timers, found on older RC units, OSRC provides the operator with the ability to control many more functions through its timers and activate multiple timers simultaneously while in flight.


Once the Timer Setup menu is selected, the operator is taken to a list of all available timers. for the time being there are 4 timers that can be configured separately and operate simultaneously if triggered by the operator.

Timers can play a significant role while controlling a model by just displaying the amount of time remaining before a battery runs out or before fuel runs out within a model. Although, if OSRC equipment is used, battery and fuel indications can be seen in real time by the operator through available Display Screens, in the case of third party hardware add-ons this can be important.

Besides just displaying time and counting it down, the OSRC team has taken the concept even further and created a useful set of functions that can be activated once a timer reaches its end count.

Timer Settings



By altering this option, the operator can define for how many minutes should the timer count down, before reaching the end. This value can also be cleared by triggering the Edit/Clear function.


By altering this option, the operator can fine tune and define for how many additional seconds should the timer count down, before reaching the end. This value can also be cleared by triggering the Edit/Clear function.


Once the timer reaches its end, the operator can define what action should be taken. Below you shall find all available actions and their description.

VibrateIf this action is selected, the Vibrator shall be activated and will only be deactivated once the timer is disabled/reset.
BeepIf this action is selected, the Buzzer shall be activated, producing an Alert sound, specifically designed for the timer actions. The Buzzer will only be deactivated once the timer is disabled/reset.
VibrBeepIf this action is selected, the Vibrator and the Buzzer shall both be activated and will only be deactivated once the timer is disabled/reset.
ChanValIf this action is selected, the Pre-Defined (through the below options) value shall take over the selected channel. This value will remain enabled and override any function on the selected channel until the timer is disabled/reset.
NoneIf this action is selected, no additional actions shall be performed and only the time shall be displayed for the corresponding timer until it reaches its end.


This option defines which channel shall be overwritten once the ChanVal action is activated. This channel shall remain overwritten until the timer is disabled/reset. If any other action is selected then this value has no effect and can be ignored.

Chan Val. - Channel Value

The value defined in this option shall be multiplied by 10 before altering the end channel. This value will override any active value occupying the selected channel and will only be disengaged once the timer is disabled/reset.

As an example, if the Channel 5 is set to be controlled by a Pot and the same channel is set to a timer to alter the value once it reaches its end, then no matter at what position the Pot was, the value shall be overwritten and only be repositioned to the Pot's value once the timer has been disabled/reset.

This feature can have many applications. As an example, lowering the throttle on a model once the timer reaches its end, for configurations where the battery or fuel states are not monitored by the operator.

Have been working with electronics for as long as i can remember. Always enjoyed making something new and having the pleasure of seeing it work at the end. One of my latest and i must say, greatest creations is OSRC - Open Source Remote Control. Finally i can work on a single project, devote my full attention towards it and improve it as much as possible, with help from the RC and general Open Source community.

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