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Documentation Category

Subcategories from this category: General, External Features, User Interface, Root Menu, Model Menu

Timer Settings

Posted by on in Model Menu
Unlike known timers, found on older RC units, OSRC provides the operator with the ability to control many more functions through its timers and activate multiple timers simultaneously while in flight. Once the Timer Setup menu is selected, the operator is taken to a list of all available timers. for the time being there are 4 timers that can be configured separately and operate simultaneously if triggered by the operator. Timers can play a significant role while controlling a model by just displaying the amount of time remaining before a battery runs out or before fuel runs out within a model. Although, if OSRC equipment is used, battery and fuel indications can be seen in real time by the operator through available Display Screens, in the case of third party hardware add-ons this can be important. Besides just displaying time and counting it down, the OSRC team has taken the concept...
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Posted by on in Model Menu
If you need to give some slack to your values and delay a signal from being transmitted then this section should be the one to read. Delays utilized by the OSRC User Interface differ in their functionality and can delay a signal up to extreme time margins for custom input to your model. Delaying the output for each one of the available 4 Main Stick channels can become important in many cases for different reasons. The algorithms used to delay a value for all channels are written in such a way, so that the main program cycle is never halted or paused. Quite extreme delays may be achieved through this section, which may be necessary for the operators mission. Channel 1 - 4 Define the amount of delay needed for each channel by altering the appropriate values. For practicality reasons, the current version of the Main Units firmware, can delay the...
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Sub Trims

Posted by on in Model Menu
Not all trims are accessible through the dedicated Trim knobs on the Main Unit. To find out how to trim other channels, read this section of the blog. Sub Trims can be thought of like the center offset values for each channel. If a motor or another output device on a model needs its center to be offset then these are the values that must be altered. The only difference of this section from the Trims section is that the operator can define the exact value, necessary for each of the remaining channels. Channel The amount of channels available for trimming is directly associated with the total amount of channels defined within the Root Model Settings. Since the first 4 channels are controlled through the Trims section, this section can define trim values for the rest of the channels. Trim By selecting the value associated with the corresponding channel, the operator...
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OSRC by rdGizmo For You LTD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

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